
Lucien De Roeck had a passion for sketching throughout his entire life. He often said: “A drawing a day…” De Roeck would draw everything he saw around him, the people, friends and nameless people, buildings, landscapes and vehicles of all genres. He had a preference for boats, for Antwerp and the Schelde and, just like his example, Cassandre, he absolutely adored observing and drawing the dynamics and movement of modern ships. All his boats were drawn from one specific angle, to give the end result the illusion of movement. They were produced with very precise and energetic lines with pen, ink or ecoline. De Roeck always worked either on a folding table, or on the floor.

Antwerp, 1965


Antwerp, 31-04-1966

Antwerp, 30-05-1960

Ostend, 30-07-1947

Ostend, 1945